For many people, the thought of Spring brings a certain dread, rather than the optimism of warmer days and longer daylight hours. Sufferers of hay fever and seasonal allergies have begun taking their preventative medicines and over the counter anti histamines in preparation for the burst of new growth and seed release, which cause havoc with sinuses and the like. Unfortunately these medicines can also cause havoc on an internal level by suppressing the natural expression of the disruption to the body caused by the allergen.
Our body is designed to heal itself, if given the opportunity and support. Unfortunately this has become more difficult over time with the use of suppressing medications that are so common place in an environment of soldiering on to get the job done, the natural defense systems become slowly numbed and therefore weakened.
Homeopathic medicine works with the body, clearing blockages and suppressions and boosting the immune system - shoring it up to be able to rise up and fight off what may come. The correctly chosen Homeopathic medicine can initiate an almost immediate response in the body and overcome irritating hay fever symptoms. The approach has to be individual to the person, as although it is common in hay fever to experience itchy eyes, running nose, sneezing, wheezing and the like, no two people are the same in their exact expression of those symptoms. What we need to do is match as closely as possible the remedy to the symptoms (like to like).
An example is Allium Cepa - Red Onion. Nearly everyone would have experienced the not very pleasant by product of cutting up an onion - runny nose, itchy/stinging eyes and some sneezing too... quite similar to common hay fever symptoms! So, the little red onion, in it's Homeopathic form is a stellar remedy for a person who presents with predominantly a running nose / sneezing and itchy irritated eyes in reaction to allergens. We are matching with a remedy that produces stronger like symptoms homeopathically which will overcome the same weaker symptoms expressing in the body.